Knowing the general information of the pistachio plant

An overview of the knowledge of the pistachio plant and its information

What we know is that the highest pistachio cultivation area is in Kerman (Rafsanjan city). 2% cultivated (base) in America is Kerman variety. The highest yield among the cultivars is related to the Pistachio Kale Gochi variety. The popularity of the Kale Gochi variety and the increase in cultivated area are related to the high production of this variety.Iranian Pistachio

Selection of the base is the main goal during the construction of pistachio orchards. Cultivated base and transplanted variety of Khorasan Gardens is related to Kale Ghochi variety. About 90 pistachios are known in Iran, of which 30 of the 90 are found in Khorasan.

Kale Gochi variety is sensitive to spring cold due to its early flowering. Kale Gochi cultivar is sensitive to the examination of nutrients and their reduction. In post varieties, Ahmed Aghaei variety has the highest yield. The post tree should be watered every 12-10 days for 2 to 12 years. Fruit trees should be watered according to the schedule depending on the time and need. It is better to water fruit trees once a month.

It is better to use organic fertilizers (cow, chicken, etc.) in a fully decomposed and composted form. The best depth of chalkwood in low trees is 30 to 40 cm. Concerns about the opening of the buds, the state of sweeping and small leaves are related to the issue of zinc.

Nutritional symptoms in pistachio plant

The obvious symptoms of calcium tabular leaves are in the length of the leaves and the thinning of the clusters. Sunburn and the reduction of smiling fruit are related to potassium. The potash plant is resistant to several water-dry stresses and environmental stresses. The highest number in low trees is related to nitrogen. The yellowing of old and purple leaves at the edges of the leaves and the falling of leaves and fruits are among the symptoms.

Khorasan soils are calcareous texture with high pH. The private pH of Khorasan gardens was between 8 and 9 due to calcareous soil and drought, which is a danger. The reddening of one-year branches and the falling of leaves and their drying are symptoms of salinity. Too much of one factor reduces the absorption of other elements in the soil.

The excess of magnesium element in the soil causes the lack of absorption of potassium and calcium. One of the destructive effects of salinity is the thirst of the plant and the movement of nutrients in the soil. Soluble salts in the soil include chlorine, sodium, bicarbonates, sulfate and magnesium.ش

Pistachio seed sowing methods

Knowing the general information of the pistachio plant

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